Collection: Mineral Specimens

If you are looking for something specific for your collection please feel free to contact us directly:
Phone: 603-660-8539
Before the jewelry, before the gifts there were minerals, precious and semi precious gemstones in their natural matrix.
Lumina enjoys the raw beauty which was most often created millions of years before it was ever seen by the naked eye. That alone is a remarkable notion. Now, with the rockhounding adventures that Lumina goes on, you too can enjoy the spoils of the expedition.
Specimens are enjoyed by many. Maybe you need a unique gift or you simply appreciate the raw beauty nature offers. Perhaps you are a hobbyist, a die hard collector or it is your profession as a mineralogist. Regardless of your reason for purchasing a specimen, Lumina has enjoyed rockhounding them for you.
If you want to see some of our specimen collecting adventures you can see more in our blog as we highlight or rockhounding seasons. You can find our blog in the footer menu at the bottom of website or you can watch our videos on our YouTube channel titled ‘Rockhounders’ Vug’.
You can also read about how we got started by reading ‘About Us’ in our website.