Argentium Silver
Lumina is a registers user of Argentium Silver. The majority of this information was quoted from the Argentium Silver Guild. (

Argentium Silver is a superior, high performance silver with a number of unique properties. Argentium Silver is different from traditional Sterling Silver. *
Antibacterial and Hypoallergenic
Traditional Sterling silver has long been associated with discoloration where skin and jewelry are in contact, which in certain cases has resulted in the wearer suffering an adverse reaction. There has also been increasing awareness in recent years about the anti-allergy benefits of nickel free silver.*
• Argentium Silver is hypoallergenic and is well-suited for those who are unable to wear traditional Sterling silver jewellery. Argentium also has antibacterial properties.*
• Argentium Silver alloys do not contain nickel.*
Argentium Silver Is Purer Than Standard Sterling.
Different standards have been established to guarantee and identify the purity of silver articles. Standards include Sterling silver - requiring a minimum of 92.5% silver content and Britannia silver (UK), which specifies a minimum silver content of 95.8%.
The higher purity Argentium 960 raises the silver level above the prestigious UK Britannia standard.*
Argentium’s superior purity ensures that finished items are of the highest quality.*
Increased Tarnish Resistance
It has become the industry norm to test so-called ‘tarnish resistant’ alloys with a single industry recognized procedure. The Argentium approach however, is far more demanding and further tests are required to ensure we provide the best quality alloys available today.*
This chart, showing the overall tarnish test results, clearly illustrates how the family of Argentium Silver alloys exhibit superior tarnish resistance.*
Argentium alloys are required to pass pre-defined levels on the ‘dark to light’ scale - this is described as the ‘Argentium Qualification Line’ (aql). Alloys that do not meet the aql in all of the tests do not meet the stringent requirements to be classified as Argentium Silver.*
Argentium is Whiter and Brighter
These following charts clearly illustrate how Argentium Silver exhibits superior brightness and whiteness in comparison to other precious metals used in the jewellery industry. The Argentium Qualification Lines (aql) identify set colour measurements required for Argentium Silver.*
Argentium - Responsible Silver
Lumina Customers have inquired if our products are sourced responsibly. Using Argentium Silver is one of the ways we strive to ensure this is done.
• There is an increasing awareness and demand for the preservation of our natural environment - to conserve energy and natural resources and to reduce waste and pollution.*
• Some practices in the silver industry use toxic chemicals and hazardous procedures for removing/ hiding firestain - a penetrating, dark coloured oxide that forms when Sterling silver is heated during manufacturing processes. Such practices are undesirable in the workplace and the disposal of toxic waste products also raises environmental concerns. Argentium does not firestain thus removing this risk.*
in Summary Argentium Silver responsible*
• Argentium is always made from ethically sourced silver.
• Argentium’s excellent firestain resistance makes hazardous processes associated with removing and hiding firestain a thing of the past.
• Argentium’s unique and superior properties reduce manufacturing time, labour and resources.*
All of these benefits make Argentium Silver better for the end wearer and gentler on the environment, as less chemicals are used in production.*
*This information was obtained from the Argentium Silver Guild.